Diet for the pancreas

Pancreatitis is a very dangerous and harmful disease. Diet helps to restore the pancreas. Especially after an acute attack, when the body needs fasting. This period involves a complete rejection of food.

After 3 days, the involuntary hunger strike is allowed to end slowly. But this should be done very carefully and carefully.

First of all, if it is recommended to drink weak tea, rosehip broth with breadcrumbs made of flour, but it should not be more than 50 g per day.

It is much better not to add sugar to the broth, the pancreas does not worship it, but glucose or fructose (honey), but again it is limited, a maximum of 25 ml (1 tbsp. Spoon) per day.

Every day, the menu is gradually expanding, rice broth and porridge, protein omelettes, steamed meat souffle, all kinds of jellies and purees, cottage cheese is added but only homemade.

On days 6-7, you are allowed to have your first dish of mashed vegetables or food: boiled meat or chicken. Diet should be followed with such a plan for 1, 5-2 months, and even after that it is not recommended to abuse oily, fried, spicy, smoked.

One of the few cereals that can be used in the diet is buckwheat. Buckwheat in the diet pancreatitis in the pancreas takes an important place among nutritionists, it is a special food. It is also treated during the recovery period with buckwheat porridge and kefir, pain in the pancreas disappears easily.

You need to keep your diet once in a quarter and you will forget about pancreatitis. Kefir cleanses the body of toxins, gives teenagers and beauty, kefir is rightly considered a drink for longevity. The diet helps to eliminate intestinal gas formation, normalize the work of the pancreas, not just the intestines.

Kefir for acute pancreatitis is not forbidden to use, but only after the inflammatory process has been removed, not until after 10 days of normal pancreatic function. You can only not fat kefir and no more than 50 ml to begin with. In case of constant forgiveness, do not drink more than one glass of kefir a day. Kefir should be fresh, old kefir increases the content of ethyl alcohol in the product.

What to eat with pancreatitis

The menu should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, calcium and phosphorus salts and a moderate amount of table salt; dishes that increase gastric secretion and stimulate intestinal bloating (intestinal flatulence) are excluded. Food should always be fresh, slightly under salt, which is very useful for the pancreas.

Symptoms of pancreatitis can develop as a result of alcohol consumption and fatty and strong foods. It can appear in patients as a complication of gallstone disease. Patients with pancreatitis are assigned a menu that is an integral part of an integrated approach to the treatment of pancreatitis.

In patients, especially with chronic forms, the diet for gallbladder inflammation and pancreatitis should be monitored especially in the acute form and follow proper nutrition throughout life. By keeping a specific menu for pancreatitis, your doctor may prescribe artificial enzyme mixtures that help, when the pancreas is insufficient, to digest food for the patient.

Dishes are mainly reduced to limit the use of fatty and coarse foods, hot spices, food is cooked more boiled or steamed in a shredded state.

Meals should be divided into small portions of four, five small meals throughout the day. Better often, but little, but much and all at once. The purpose of this diet is to completely free the diseased organ and give it a frugal diet and activity, to allow the diseased organ to recover.

What you can eat, what drinks to use when your pancreas is swollen. Here is the main menu:

  • diet allows non-fat meat, chicken, rabbit;
  • boiled meat
  • fish is only allowed in low-fat, skinny varieties, for example: cod, lemon cabbage, navaga, haddock, blue whiting, pollock, pollock and river. This fish contains up to 1% fat.
  • diet allows vegetable soup;
  • egg omelet;
  • it is important to eat low-fat yogurt, kefir and cheese
  • vegetables are allowed in the form of steamed dishes, beets only in the form of boiled or steamed;
  • mashed fruits in small quantities, strawberries are prohibited, as they contain vitamin C and ascorbic acid which stimulate appetite and strawberries can cause intestinal upset;
  • you can gel and mousse, compotes;
  • the diet allows mineral water, but not all;
  • no more than 1 egg yolk per day may be allowed.

Eggs can be eaten in remission, in the acute phase, only protein, protein omelet, but not until 4-5 days after the attack. Soft-boiled eggs can only be a month after acute pancreatitis and exacerbation of chronic.

It is basically forbidden to eat bananas, but not more than one a day, preferably grated on a mixer or on a fine grater. Of course, it is better to bake bananas a little in the oven, like everything else, for example vegetables, but fireproof is better. Bananas are very rich in minerals and essential vitamins. Do not eat bananas while the worsening of chronic pancreatitis worsens.

Dishes will be very useful: oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, rice, semolina.

Cottage cheese form with a recipe for pancreatitis

cottage cheese pot for pancreatitis
  1. The pot will be homogeneous if you have previously boiled the semolina in hot water for ten minutes;
  2. Whisk the whites in a mixer, then in the refrigerator, whisk again so that the pot is smooth.
  3. Grate the apple and squeeze the juice;
  4. Add the following ingredients to the prepared semolina: grated apple, cottage cheese, pre-mashed and baking powder;
  5. Add the protein mass and stir thoroughly, the pot coming out fluffy;
  6. Lubricate the dishes with vegetable oil so that it does not stick and does not need to be peeled;
  7. Bake in the oven for 50 minutes and let cool for about fifteen minutes.

It is better to eat a chilled pot, so it gets a unique taste

Prohibited foods that can not be eaten with pancreatitis

It is forbidden to use:

  • Fatty meats, sausages.
  • Fried and smoked foods, salted and fatty fish.
  • Mushroom dishes.
  • Preservation and pickles.
  • Lard and fat.
  • Alcohol is strictly forbidden.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Prohibited coffee, strong tea, cocoa.
  • Acidic fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not season vegetables that stimulate appetite: radishes, turnips, radishes.
  • Sour cream, whipped cream, whole milk, dairy products.
  • Cakes, pastries, cakes and pastries.
  • Chocolate and sweets.
  • Rye bread.
  • Spices and peppers.

Pancreatitis is a disease that does not like butter, pork and all kinds of animal fats. It is better to replace animal fats with vegetable fats during cooking, replacing butter with crude vegetable oils.

List of flour products

Replace fresh bread with breadcrumbs and breadcrumbs. Eliminate the following foods in your diet:

  • Biscuits,
  • Puff pastry,
  • Freshly baked bread,
  • Fried pies
  • Dumplings and pancakes
  • Pasta.

Cereals and grains

Restrict usage:

  • Barley porridge,
  • Korn,
  • Barley porridge
  • All coarse porridge.

You can eat breakfast cereal boiled mashed or boiled (puree), better buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge, semolina plus milk, but not fat. It is best prepared in the form of soufflés and puddings.

First courses, soups

The diet prohibits the following first dishes and sauces:

  • Borscht;
  • Milk soups for pancreatitis, sweet and fatty are forbidden;
  • Soups with meat and fish broth;
  • Spicy sauces and tomato toppings;
  • Mushroom soup;
  • Mayonnaise.

It is recommended to replace the first dishes with light unloading soups.

Dairy products

The diet forbids:

  • fatty and sour cheeses, cottage cheese;
  • fat milk is not allowed;
  • cream.

Substitute kefir and yogurt, not greasy cottage cheese.


The fruit menu forbids eating sour apples, grapes, dates, figs, citrus fruits and pomegranates. You can not eat sweet cherries, as it irritates the gastrointestinal tract painfully, but using it in the form of compots and jellies and in other processed forms, sweet cherries will be very useful. You can eat cherries only in the remission stage of chronic pancreatitis.


You can not eat vegetables:

  • Beans.
  • Cabbage.
  • Eggplant.
  • Radishes.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Radishes.
  • Garlic and onions are not allowed.
  • Pepper.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes.

Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in the acute phase are banned because of the fiber that is easily digested in them, although pancreatic attacks are not present, they should gradually be included in the diet. Pickles and tomatoes can not be sorted.


You can not eat fresh cabbage, but you can simmer the cabbage slightly over low heat along with other vegetables. It is possible with pancreatitis and seaweed that is rich in various trace elements, but without vinegar. Sauerkraut is strictly forbidden. You can use cabbage of milder varieties, for example Beijing cabbage, but only in small quantities, and preferably slightly seasoned in boiling water.


Zucchini are great for patients with pancreatitis, they lack coarse fiber, which complicates the digestive process, easily digestible food, there are no essential oils and phytoncides, as they say, what the doctor ordered. There are zucchini with aggravation, it is better boiled or baked, boiled. In patients with pancreatitis there is a contraindication for marrow caviar from an industrial mixture, canned and those added with tomato paste.

Is it possible to eat sweet dishes with pancreatitis?

sweet cake for pancreatitis

Sweet foods in the pancreas, such as jam, sweets and chocolate, ice cream, replaced by honey. Honey for pancreatitis should be consumed, it is important to monitor the appropriate amount. Honey is rich in carbohydrates but unlike sugar, the pancreas is easier to absorb and it is also very useful. When the exacerbation of pancreatitis worsens, it is better to stop completely sweet foods.

What can you drink

What you can and can not drink while on a diet. Is it permissible to drink soda with pancreatitis?

Strongly forbids drinking:

  • alcoholic beverages,
  • strong coffee,
  • tea and juice are forbidden, especially for aggravation, citrus juice and all sour is forbidden,
  • carbonated drinks - not allowed.


Chicory at the stage of exacerbation should not be drunk. However, chicory is very beneficial for patients during the recovery period, as it lowers sugar, contains inulin, normalizes metabolism and promotes weight loss. Sígóría is the best place to eat when your pancreas is swollen.

Rose milk

It is very useful to use rose hips. Rosehip is useful in all stages of the disease, both during exacerbation and remission. In small doses, it helps to restore the function of the pancreas, relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes, strengthens the immune system, renews the cells of the damaged organ, tones up and regulates metabolism.

Minerals are very useful.


Roasted seeds should not be consumed. Sesame and flaxseed are most useful for pancreatitis, flax is better not alone, but as part of salads and cooking. Most of all, melon seeds are useful, they have all the necessary drugs, especially in patients with gallbladder inflammation, severe pancreatitis.

Melon seeds and honey recipe

Chop melon seeds and add honey to the calculation of one part melon seeds and five parts honey. Take a mixture of 1 tbsp. l 15 minutes before a meal.

Example of a menu for pancreatitis

Menu and portion. The basic recipes include wheat bread yesterday or pre-dried - 200 g (all day); sugar - 20-30 g (all day).

Pancreatitis, menu for the day

The first breakfast

Meatballs, steamed dish - 100 g;
Herculean porridge boiled in milk - 150 g;
Fish, baked or steamed - 80 g;
Tea - 1 glass, allowed with the addition of milk


Boiled fish - 100 g; Fresh, unleavened cottage cheese - 120 g; Rosehip decoction - 1 glass


Vegetarian Vegetable Soup - 150 g; Steamed meatballs - 110 g; vegetable puree with the addition of carrots - 120-130 g; Kissel is not very sweet - 1 glass. You can use mashed potatoes for pancreatitis, but without adding oil, with good tolerance, you can add a little oil.


Steamed meat souffle - 150 g or permissible to replace omelette with protein; Piece of steamed chicken-100-120 g; Low fat cottage cheese - 100 g; Tea - 1 glass, allowed with the addition of milk.

Before going to bed, it is permissible to drink 1 glass of unsweetened jelly made with xylitol.

Diet of buckwheat with kefir

buckwheat with kefir for pancreatitis

This menu will help with pancreatitis and gallbladder inflammation, which suffer from unbearable pain and are frequent visitors to a gastroenterologist.

This recipe is insanely simple.

Buckwheat recipe with kefir:

  1. Grind washed and dried buckwheat grains on a coffee grinder, you can also use whole.
  2. Take about 2 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat "flour" and pour a glass of kefir and put overnight in a cool place, refrigerator, cellar, cellar.
  3. In the morning, eat on a lean stomach, half of the entire dose, in the evening, finish the rest for dinner, which also allows you to lose weight.

You need to eat for 10 days, this is a treatment. Repeat the treatment with buckwheat and kefir once a quarter. Your color will turn into healthy and flowering.

Buckwheat is better raw without frying. Take kefir with a low fat content and be sure to check the date. The taste of such porridge is fun and raises no questions about it. Buckwheat porridge is everyone's favorite product from childhood. It is rightly considered "porridge". The medicinal properties of buckwheat have long been studied and have been used in diets with good results. Buckwheat contains vitamins and minerals, organic acids, fats and proteins that support the health of the stomach. Buckwheat contains "long-term carbohydrates", which give the feeling of long satiety, therefore it is used successfully in many menus aimed at normalizing and reducing weight.

Buckwheat menu is able to cleanse the intestines of toxins, toxins and heavy metals, helps to remove everything unnecessary from the body. The diuretic effect of this grain helps to rid the body of excess fluid and get rid of edema. Buckwheat also improves liver and pancreatic function. The fiber found in buckwheat improves the motility of the intestines and helps to remove the decay processes. If you plan a few fasting days on buckwheat, in addition to remembering to drink plenty of clean water, you will not only get rid of a few extra pounds but also improve your well-being, gain lightness and a good complexion.